Saturday, July 10, 2010

LoTi in the Classroom

What an amazing classroom. Now this is a teacher who has embraced technology! As the student said in the video, this allows each child to decide not if they are going to do an assignment but how and when to do it. Not only does this inspire learning and creativity but also responsibility. By allowing the student to view all that is expected but leaving it up that individual on how and when to do it, this is preparing him for what life is like after graduation. The different features such as Note Taking, that keeps track of where information is found, is brilliant! The fact the student could email scientists all over the world and even Skype with them is so rewarding. I really do wish this was my classroom when I was younger. I guess it just gives me incentive for when I become a teacher. Yet, as amazing as it all sounds, it would require computers for all students in the classroom. When will this be a reality? I hope soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather,

    I agree wholeheartedly. This student's teacher has promoted so much critical thinking by implementing the Personal Learning Environments. But, until the day arrives when all students possess a computer, how realistic is this for the immediate future? Nice post!
