Friday, December 17, 2010

Methods Once More

Although I am looking forward to the next month off, I wouldn't mind taking this class over again! I feel as if there is so much more to learn, if not just go over again. This has been such a learning experience, I don't want it to end. I know I have many more classes to take, important ones, but I feel as if Methods is a class that should keep going throughout my education here. It is such an important class but only lasts one semester long. I do feel I gave it my all and got out of it all that I could. It is up to me now to continue to practice what I have learned. I guess my next Methods class will be actual time in an elementary classroom working firsthand with other teachers.

Three Pluses and a Wish for My Experience So Far

Three Pluses:

1. I feel as if I have really grasped how to create lesson plans and unit plans using a variety of teaching methods.
2. I have broken out of my shell and now feel as if I am on the path to becoming a really good teacher.
3. I have learned how important collaboration is and how much I get out of it.

One Wish:

I wish that I continue to grow throughout my life as much as I have this semester.

Helping Hands

This has been quit an adventure. Going back to school in my mid-thirties with two young boys and a part-time job. I have had to rely on a lot of people. My parents have been incredibly supportive, babysitting whenever they can(even though they live 40 minutes away!) My husband has endured my new "stressed out" personality with total support and love. My friends have jumped in whenever they can, watching my kids or just calming me down. My new friends at school have been incredible as well. What a support system we have created. Since many of us have had many classes together, we have gotten to know each other pretty well. I don't think I would have made it this far if it weren't for them. It is always nice to hear you are not the only one feeling stressed out, neglectful of your kids or doubtful of your abilities. This has been a terrific experience and I am grateful for everyone who has supported me through it.

Technology in the Classroom

Just like anything, the more you are exposed to technology, the less scary it becomes. I am having so much fun learning new ways to bring technology into the classroom. I got to see firsthand how much kids love and appreciate it! I know that it will be a challenge. I see how busy teachers are and how it is not always practical for them to use technology but that is because it has not been made easy for them. There has to be support from the school you are working at. There needs to be classes so that using technology does not feel like such a big production. I want to keep expanding my knowledge in this area. I can't wait to sign up for the Whiteboard classes at my College. Maybe,in the future, I can be the one to show others!

What a Difference a Semester Makes!

Each semester has been a learning experience for me. Yet, this last semester, I feel as if I have had a huge growth spurt! I was so excited to begin my Masters to finally "be in it." Now, I feel I am there. Not only have I learned to create Unit Plans and Lesson Plans but I am now volunteering once a week in a classroom and am signed up for substitute teaching. This last class, Methods, has given me such a boost in my self-confidence as a teacher. I have a very long way to go but feel as if I am on the right track.

Student Teaching, What an Experience!

So for my Methods class this semester, I was able to teach three lesson plans that I created. I chose a second grade classroom at my son's elementary school. My cooperating teachers name is Mr. Pellegrino and he has been teaching for 28 years! What an experience. I was so nervous before I started and now I just want more! It is such a great feeling to have the kids excited about learning and how I, as a teacher, am presenting it to them. They were especially excited about a Webquest that I created on Animal Classification. I was worried that it would have many glitches, but the students are so advanced on computers already that it was flawless. I also did a lesson for the Social Interaction Model. It was really great to see the students get so into it. They really appreciated moving around and getting into groups. They also took the rules I presented to heart. As I walked around, they were showing such teamwork, even complimenting each other on their tasks. This is definitely something I will take with me into my own classroom!